Skills Development And Training

There is a huge skills shortage in South Africa which impacts negatively on its worldwide competitiveness. Since the advent of democracy, the South African government has been faced with the challenge of addressing one of the major legacies of apartheid; namely, the dire skills shortage affecting the majority of the citizens of this country.

It is common knowledge that South Africa has a huge and growing problem with its critical skills shortages in most sectors of the economy. South Africa does not have a workforce with the requisite skills to make a difference in our local economy so what chance do we have of competing in the global marketplace?

South Africa contributes a large portion of its national budget towards education and skills development. Approximately 1.5% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is contributed towards education and training after school, most of which is received by vocational colleges and the National Skills Fund, among others. With the nation devoting a substantial amount of its money to skills development, shows that skills development matters.

Our Accredited Skills Training primacies

  • We conduct a skills development programme to help people to start their own businesses through the involvement of a range of stakeholders.
  • We conduct and implement a comprehensive and strategic skills development initiative to meet the needs of local industry and world markets.
  • We also conduct implement a skills development programme that is linked to job opportunities and employment of the local community.

Far afield from just the economic benefits of skills development (which should not be understated), there are also enormous personal benefits.

By helping people to further their education, no matter where they are in life, we can open up many more doors to them. They will be able to consider things that never seemed possible before - new ideas, new job opportunities, the chance to get out of poverty - and achieve new levels of personal success.

Skills development is the first step in the journey of further education and training.